Vivian's Policy Platform
“As your Representative, I will be a voice for our community. I have seen firsthand how critical the power of connecting with your neighbors is, and I will ensure that I use my platform to elevate voices, facilitate deeper understanding, and foster connection with those I represent.”
The Five Key Policy Areas
Climate Change
Women's Rights
Health Care
Education - Climate Change - Women's Rights - Health Care - Transportation -
I am deeply committed to working with school committees, superintendents, principals, teachers, and families, to dramatically increase state aid to all public schools. With the Millionaires Tax on the ballot in November, if successful, Massachusetts will have the revenue it needs to boost state aid for public education. If elected, I will fight to make sure that the communities of Acton, Carlisle, Chelmsford, and Concord receive their fair share of these new revenues, for all of our children.
Combating Climate Change
I will be an advocate for a strong reduction in emissions. We must safeguard the stunning conservation lands, rivers, and shared resources in the 14th District. We know fossil fuels are driving rapid climate change, leading to increased heat waves, and are severely risking future generations’ very existence.
Fighting for Equal Rights for Women
As women across the country have to deal with Roe v. Wade being struck down by the SCOTUS, the importance of choosing our state legislators with care could not be more critical. The ROE Act was passed in 2020 which protected and expanded abortion access in MA. In July, an additional law was passed to protect healthcare providers from legal action. This law also includes provisions for medication abortion on public college campuses and clafiried and strengthen the lanuage of the ROE Act.
Our beautiful daughters were born in Hawaii, and while I celebrate their birth and love them more than anything, I also bear the scars of the blighted ovum and miscarriage I suffered while our family was being created. My passion for open access to the healthcare a woman needs, without governmental interference, is born not only from empathy for the millions of women and girls who will be maimed and killed by the vicious anti-abortion laws being passed by the GOP, but I have suffered from health issues now being made illegal to treat in other states. Without a D&C for my miscarriage, I would likely have died.
Without the hard work of legislators attuned to the needs of their constituents, Massachusetts citizens would be subject to the cruel whims of the Right-wing extremists strong-arming their views into our legal code.
I pledge to always fight for women and pregnant people's right to control their own bodies.
Health Care
COVID-19 has exposed the blind spots in our State Health Care System, including how some demographics have been impacted more than others. As your representative, I will ensure that each person is treated with the same care and expertise, and I will continue to be a vocal advocate for making healthcare a right.
As a state representative, I will apply my collaborative skills to regional transportation efforts, working with legislators from neighboring districts and town transportation officials to secure funding through Chapter 90, improve, expand and better connect transportation options across our district, boost economic development through projects such as revitalizing the Great Road commercial corridor in Acton, and pass the Fair Share Amendment to provide additional funding for our pro-green community transportation goals.