Roe v. Wade in Danger – Women Deserve Better
Tonight, as Massachusetts women read and try to understand the news that SCOTUS will strike down Roe v. Wade, the importance of choosing our state legislators with care could not be more critical. Because the Massachusetts Democratically led legislature passed The Roe Act, and overrode Gov. Baker’s veto – TWICE – women and girls in Massachusetts will have autonomy over their bodies and agency in their healthcare despite the cruel decisions being made by GOP autocrats.
In the last days of 2020, The Massachusetts Legislature overturned Governor Baker’s SECOND veto and passed “legislation to remove obstacles and expand abortion access.”
Without the hard work of legislators attuned to the needs of their constituents, Massachusetts citizens would be subject to the cruel whims of the Right-wing extremists strong-arming their views into our legal code.
Research your state candidates. Vote in State elections.
It’s vital.
My Statement on Roe V. Wade in January 2022
My Remarks at the Abortion Rights Rally in Acton, MA (October, 2O21)
Credit: The Atlantic